Publication details [#10351]
Stephens, John, Hilary Abbott-Brailey and Pauline Pearson. 2007. "It's a funny old game": Football as an educational metaphor within induction to practice-based interprofessional learning. 11 pp.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
The Common Learning Programme in the North East of England (CLPNE) sought to introduce interprofessional education into the practice setting for pre-registration health and social care students. Students, clinical educators/mentors, and facilitators met within groups over a period of 3 - 6 weeks to explore interprofessional working and learning together. This paper evaluates the use of a game, the Football Stadium, to stimulate participants' exploration of practice-based interprofessional working and learning at CLPNE induction sessions. Data consisting of verbal and written feedback from students and clinical educators/mentors, and field notes from facilitators covering 22 CLPNE pilot sites (February 2003 - July 2005) was supplemented by researcher observation at 12 sites. Two themes emerged from the data: the use of the Football Stadium as an "ice-breaker" at team induction and, the use of the Football Stadium as a vehicle to facilitate reflective learning. Key issues included personal identity and role within a novice--expert continuum, creating and developing the team environment and, enhancing and developing learning communities. Although recognized as requiring careful, sensitive facilitation, the Football Stadium is a simple means to present learning opportunities for interprofessional education within a non-threatening learning environment that facilitates active participation.
(John Stephens, Hilary Abbott-Brailey and Pauline Pearson)