
Publication details [#1040]

Taleghani-Nikazm, Carmen. 2008. Gestures in Foreign Language Classrooms: An Empirical Analysis of Their Organization and Function. Cascadilla Proceedings Project. 10 pp. URL
Publication type
Book – conference proceedings
Publication language


This study explores the gestures which L2 teachers use in the classroom from the methodological standpoint of conversation analysis. The analysis of video-recorded L2 teacher verbal and nonverbal interactions at both elementary and intermediate levels reveals that L2 teachers frequently engage in specific gesturing during meaning-focused and form-focused practices which may facilitate L2 learner comprehension. Moreover, the study demonstrates that teachers may use specific gestures to prompt repair upon a student's utterance or to signal the correctness or acceptability of that utterance. This paper contributes to the study of the function of L2 teachers' nonverbal behavior and L2 acquisition.