
Publication details [#10640]

Teleoaca, Anca Irinel. 2004. Computer collocations and computer metaphors. The Qualitative Report 8 (3). URL
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language


This article examines—from a linguistic point of view—the translation of some computer collocations which I consider typical, and analyze them in order to provide suitable translations in the TL (in this case, Romanian), because they generally play an important role in distinguishing meaning. This happens with computer terminology as well, in the sense that, when we are asked to give an account of the meaning of a term used in computing, say, blind, we instantly try to contextualize it in its most recurrent collocations, say, blind search, blind copy, blind key. In doing this, I shall start with one of the broadly accepted definitions of collocation and try to make a proposal for collocation patterns that are often found in the language of computers. I will also try to present a matrix of computer collocations after touching upon some translation theory and to agree or disagree with some aspects regarding both the source and the target languages under discussion. (Anca Irinel Teleoaca)