Publication details [#1078]
Bernal, Victoria. 2013. Please forget democracy and justice: Eritrean politics and the powers of humor. American Ethnologist 40 (2) : 300–309. 10 pp.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Place, Publisher
American Anthropological Association
The paper examines the role played by humour and parody when addressing tragic circumstances. The study is based on a long-term project about Eritrean politics and draws upon data collected from websites created by Eritreans who have left their homeland. The analysis focuses on an online political parody of Isaias Afewerki, president of Eritrea from 1993. What is written and published about Eritrea and the present-day situation in the country is usually earnest but often sad and tragic. It is shown here how the use of humour plays an important role to accomplish significant political work and to shape new subjectivities.