
Publication details [#11206]

Publication type
Article in book  
Publication language
Place, Publisher
Amsterdam: John Benjamins


Warren detects structural parallels between referential metonyms on the one hand and noun-noun compounds and denominal verbs on the other hand. These three constructions have in common that they involve two referents and an implicit link connecting them. In noun-noun compounds, the referring item is explicit, whereas it is implied in metonyms. According to Warren, metonymy is basically an abbreviation device and, apart from finding the implicit referring item, its interpretation involves retrieving a relation. Metonymic relations are restricted to a small number of recurrent links. This makes the interpretation of metonymy less demanding, or even effortless, when compared to the open-ended interpretation of metaphor, which involves working out several matching links (of similar attributes) between the conventional and intended referents. (Klaus-Uwe Panther and Günter Radden)