Publication details [#11207]
Warren, Beatrice. 2002. An alternative account of the interpretation of referential metonymy and metaphor In Dirven, René and Ralf Pörings. Metaphor and Metonymy in Comparison and Contrast (Cognitive Linguistics Research 20). Berlin: Mouton De Gruyter . pp. 113–130. 18 pp.
Publication type
Article in book
Publication language
Place, Publisher
Berlin: Mouton De Gruyter
A theory which aims at explaining differences between metaphor and metonymy will be presented. This theory is briefly as follows: metonymic expressions are partially implicit modifier-head constructions which do not involve substitution of source referent with target referent, but in which the explicit modifier (source) and the implicit head (target) together pick out the intended referent. Interpreting a metonymy therefore involves retrieving and retaining source as well as target referents (besides working out how they are related). In metaphor, the source expression does not serve as a restrictive complement but invites the interpreter to extract at least one property of the source referent and transfer this to the target. Interpreting metaphors therefore involves retrieving and transferring properties, depriving the source expression of potential reference.
(Beatrice Warren)