
Publication details [#1151]

Lijun, Fang and Guan Fefen. 2013. The Realization of Figure and Background in Li Qingzhao’s Poems. Cross-cultural Communication 9 (5) : 78–81. 4 pp.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Place, Publisher
Canadian Academy of Oriental and Occidental Culture


The rapidly rising cognitive poetics at the late 20th century is the novel interdisciplinary scientific tool between cognitive linguistics and literary criticism to interpret literary works. Figure and background separation principle is one of its main researches. Initially using this principle to study literary works, Stockwell and Tsur focus on the readers’ psychological cognitive mechanisms involved in comprehending literary discourse and conclude that figure and ground segregation principle are the fundamental characteristics of literary stylistic analysis. This paper mainly discusses its realization in Li Qingzhao’s poems and Ci-poems and its effects on formation of artistic conception, in hope of providing a new model for studying Chinese classical poems.