Publication details [#11579]
Zbikowski, Lawrence M. 2008. Metaphor and music. In Gibbs, Raymond W., Jr. The Cambridge Handbook of Metaphor and Thought. Cambridge , UK: Cambridge University Press . pp. 502–524. 23 pp.
Publication type
Article in book
Publication language
Place, Publisher
Cambridge , UK: Cambridge University Press
Zbikowski's chapter provides a historical and conceptual survey of metaphor and music ("Metaphor and Music"). He argues that music is a manifestation of human cognitive capacities and tied to other aspects of human experience, such as the expression of emotion. Through his analysis of various musical compositions, Zbikowski proposes that even if music and language have different cultural functions, they both rely on embodied image-schematic structures for the expression of meaning. Musical events correlate with bodily experiences associated with many other modalities, such as vision, taste, and proprioception. In general, this chapter illustrates how the study of music, as a distinct nonlinguistic medium, provides important insights into metaphorical thinking processes.
(Raymond Gibbs)