
Publication details [#1162]

Pinar Sanz, María Jesús. 2013. Multimodality and Cognitive Linguistics. Review of Cognitive Linguistics 11 (2) : 227–432. 206 pp.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Place, Publisher
Amsterdam: John Benjamins


Contents: - Pinar Sanz, Maria Jesus: Multimodality and Cognitive Linguistics: Introduction to the Special Volume; - El Refaie, Elisabeth: Cross-modal resonances in creative multimodal metaphors: Breaking out of conceptual prisons; - Forceville, Charles: ribed Content Metaphor and symbol: SEARCHING FOR ONE’S IDENTITY IS LOOKING FOR A HOME in animation film; - Díaz Vera, Javier E.: Woven emotions: Visual representations of emotions in medieval English textiles; - Pérez Hernández, Lorena: Approaching the utopia of a global brand: The relevance of image schemas as multimodal resources for the branding industry; - Popa, Diana E.: Multimodal metaphors in political entertainment; - Feng, Dezheng; O’Halloran, Kay L. The visual representation of metaphor: A social semiotic approach; - Moya Guijarro, A. Jesús: Visual metonymy in children’s picture books; - Bateman, John A.; Tseng, Chiaoi: The establishment of interpretative expectations in film; - Alonso, Isabel; Molina, Silvia; Requejo, Maria Dolores Porto: Multimodal digital storytelling: Integrating information, emotion and social cognition; - López-Varela, Asunción: Intermedial cognitive semiotics: Some examples of multimodal cueing in virtual environments - Attardo, Salvatore; Pickering, Lucy; Lomotey, Fofo; Menjo, Shigehito: Multimodality in Conversational Humor; - Cienki, Alan: Image schemas and mimetic schemas in cognitive linguistics and gesture studies.