
Publication details [#11736]

Armstrong, Leontine. 2014. Shading in a Violent Shadow: A Hero’s Confrontation with the American Shadow in Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas. Mythological Studies Journal 5 : 39–45. 7 pp. URL
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Place, Publisher
Pacifica Graduate Institute


The paper constitutes an analysis of Tim Burton’s 1993 movie The Nightmare Before Christmas, which is a metaphor itself as the story symbolically shows the struggle of every human being to confront the unconscious self. In that sense, Jack Skellington, the main character of the film, leaves his home in Halloween Town to enter the consciousness of another world, Christmas Town. He views himself as being unfulfilled as the king of Halloween, and he attempts to take the place of Santa-Claus, trying to repress his dark side and turn into a different joyful persona. According to the author and the Jungian psychological approach, this archetype is prevalent in American society, where people do not appreciate their current role in the community they live and seek for a new one, irrespective of being successful or not in this attempt. Therefore, Jack’s journey to a different world metaphorically represents the individual’s attempt to find its place in the world via an inner fight of the conscious and the unconscious self, or the bright and the dark side of the self. The dark shadows that are part of our existence are represented in the film as the evil character of Oogie