
Publication details [#1176]

Dogru, Mustafa and Esra Sarac. 2013. Metaphors of primary school students relating to the concept of global warming. Educational research and reviews 8 (11) : 2071–2082,. 12 pp.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Place, Publisher
Educational research and reviews Academic Journals


The purpose of this study IS to reveal the metaphors of primary school students (n=362) relating to the concept of global warming. Data collected by completing the expression of “global warming is like…, because…” of the students were analysed by use of qualitative and quantitative data analysis techniques. According to findings of the study, students generated total 148 valid metaphors, and 134 of them were different. As a result of this study, by analysing perceptions relating to the concept of global warming, it was determined that vast majority of the students considered global warming as a damaging concept increasing temperature. In addition to this, while conceptual categories did not differ based on gender of students, they were significantly different from each other in terms of levels of grades.