
Publication details [#11809]

Zanotto, Maria Sophia. 2014. The multiple readings of “metaphor”: designing a methodology of investigation. URL
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Publication language
Brazilian Portuguese
Place, Publisher


This article aims to introduce and discuss epistemologically the outline of a research methodology regarding the process of metaphor interpretation in literary texts in the interface with its multiple readings. Right from the outset, this investigation aimed to investigate the real meaning of ‘metaphor’ to the ‘empirical reader’, so as to contribute to the understanding of the socio-cognitive processes that may take place during its interpretation. The methodological procedures are qualitative, of interpretive direction. The major method, which involves a process of construction, is the basis of this research – Loud Group Thinking, a result of an adaptation of the Verbal Protocol. This method includes the use of diaries and interviews in order to allow triangulation of the collected data. For the analysis of the variation of metaphor processes and readings, it was necessary to produce data with different groups of readers, which constituted, therefore, a collective case study as the research strategy. This methodological outline is within the interpretive paradigm, and its epistemological basis is dialogism.