Publication details [#11829]
Karlsson, Rasmus. 2013. Ambivalence, irony, and democracy in the Anthropocene. Futures 46 : 1–9. 9 pp.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Place, Publisher
Amsterdam: Elsevier
According to this author environmental sustainability can only be achieved by strictly following one of the two opposing strategies, i.e. the “modernization” or the “ecologizing” path. While the former aims at developing innovative technologies (e.g. molecular engineering, nanotechnology) that could enable us to colonize space or create inexpensive energy the latter is concerned with the reduction of global metabolism through restrictions on consumption rates and reproductive rights (degrowth) and reconnection with nature. The current crisis of global sustainability is caused by our ambivalent thinking about the world, people’s irony or passivity towards the future, the lack of governmental commitment to one any solution and the lack of international coordination. For instance, although politicians seem to be genuinely concerned about global warming they would never adopt a political stance that could endanger capitalism.