
Publication details [#11863]

Díaz Cabrera, Dolores, Estefanía Hernández Fernaud, Rosa Isla Díaz, Naira Delgado Rodríguez and Luis Díaz Vilela. 2014. Relevant factors to increase the accuracy, feasibility and success of job performance evaluation systems. Papeles del Psicólogo 35 (2) : 115–121. 7 pp. URL
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language


The economic crisis in Spain has provoked a rising interest in employee performance evaluation in organizations. However, appraisees are showing their disagreement with this evaluation mainly for safety concerns in these difficult times, in spite of the fact that the importance of the social and organizational context in which evaluations are carried out is emphasized according to the so-called “due-process” metaphor (Folger, Konovsky and Cropanzano, 1992). For these reasons, assessment scales should be developed in order to provide effectiveness, reliability and success of these systems. This work aims at helping organizations and their members to regard evaluation systems in a positive light. For this we need: (a) response scales with accurate and reliable information; (b) fair procedures when assessing performance which participants can rely on.