Publication details [#11941]
Jelec, Anna. 2014. Are Abstract Concepts Like Dinosaur Feathers? Conceptual Metaphor Theory and the conceptualisation strategies in gesture of blind and visually impaired children. Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM.
Publication type
Book – monograph
Publication language
Although the human nervous system evolved to be capable to control complex physical processes, we are far from comprehending the human ability for complex abstract thinking. According to one theory a single perceptual mechanism based on physical experience is the foundation of both concrete and abstract thinking. By relating to the question whether "abstract concepts are like dinosaur feathers" asked by a psychologist Daniel Casasanto, the evolutionary processes that enabled people to cope with abstract phenomena putting them in concrete terms, are examined. After all, people frequently use metaphors, similes or analogies in order to express the intangible. It might be said "put that into words" just as though words were containers where thoughts could be kept. The suggestion of the Conceptual Metaphor Theory that we not only speak, but also think about abstract concepts in physical terms means going a step further. Nonetheless, the principal theses of the Conceptual Metaphor Theory have been subject to strong criticism due to the fact that falsifying them is thought to be impossible. A new view on the conceptual role of metaphors is suggested by the author of this study. This book, including both empirical research on the gesture and speech of blind, visually impaired and seeing children and theoretical investigations, shows that abstract thinking may well be based on physical experience