
Publication details [#12105]

Zarcone, Alessandra, Sebastian Padó and Alessandro Lenci. 2014. Logical metonymy resolution in a words-as-cues framework: Evidence From self-paced reading and probe recognition. Cognitive Science. A Multidisciplinary Journal 38 (5) : 973–996. 24 pp.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Place, Publisher
John Wiley & Sons Ltd.


This study proposes a dynamic model of logical metonymy within the words-as-cues paradigm, showing that it can account for early and dynamic integration of complex event information depending on previous contextual cues (agent and patient). As a first step, a self-paced reading experiment on German subordinate sentences is presented. Here, metonymic sentences and their paraphrased version differ only in the presence or absence of the clause-final target verb (Der Konditor begann die Glasur  Der Konditor begann, die Glasur aufzutragen/Thebaker began the icing  The baker began spreading the icing). Longer reading times at the target verb position in a high-typicality condition (baker + icing  spread ) compared to a low-typicality (but still plausible) condition (child + icing  spread) suggest that knowledge activated by lexical cues is used to build expectations about events. In a second experiment, presenting covert events as probes following a high-typicality or a low-typicality metonymic sentence (Der Konditor begann die Glasur  AUFTRAGEN/The baker began the icing  SPREAD) obtains an analogous effect of typicality at 100 ms interstimulus interval.