Publication details [#12158]
Ameel, Eef, Barbara C. Malt and Gert Storms. 2014. Steps along a Continuum of Word Knowledge: Later Lexical Development through the Lens of Receptive Judgments. Journal of Language Learning and Development 10 (3) : 234–262. 29 pp.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Place, Publisher
Taylor & Francis Online
Considering that common nouns usage patterns continue to change long past the early years of language acquisition in free naming (Andersen, 1975; Ameel, Malt, & Storms, 2008), this investigation analyzes if a similar development occurs in receptive judgments, since they have different cognitive demands. According to the analysis results, there is an extended learning trajectory for children aged 7–13 years old. In opposition to the over- and underextensions found in Ameel et al.’s free-naming task, only overextensions were identified. Regarding children’s initial lexical categories, the initial overlap disappears gradually with age allowing more clear-cut categories. The authors conclude that the cognitive demands of production affect the specific deviations from grownup usage that appear in free naming, but even in terms of receptive competence, the acquisition of full adult word power and the ability to use it in different ways is a long process which demands both acquisition and consolidation of knowledge at different levels.