Publication details [#12356]
Sędek, Magdalena. 2015. Explorando la combinación de lenguaje e imagen: el caso de la metáfora multimodal. Itinerários 22 : 113–128. 16 pp. URL
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Place, Publisher
Uniwersytet Warszawski
Multimodality is an inevitable feature of today's communication. Multimodal metaphor establishes connections between domains of a different nature whereas monomodal metaphor does so for domains of the same nature. Metaphors in newspaper cartoons are multimodal in nature. They attest to the symbiotic relationship between textual and visual material. An analysis of cartoon-based verbo-visual metaphors in the newspaper El País is put forth. It sheds light on three issues. One, multimodal metaphor frequently interacts with metonymy. Two, not all multimodal metaphors fit the "A is B" pattern typical of analogy-based, unimodal metaphors. Three, both sociocultural and linguistic knowledge are needed to interpret correctly certain metaphors. The example Estamos en campaña. Disculpen las promesas, displayed in a store front sign, feeds from, not only the knowledge of commercial transactions and presidential elections, but also from the knowledge of idiomatic phrases as the one underlying the example. To sum up, a more systematic treatment of multimodal metaphor is needed in order to account for the factors that constraint their mappings and functions.