
Publication details [#12396]

Wilson, Freeda Catherine. 2011. A Model of Translation based on Proverbs and their Metaphors: A Cognitive Descriptive Approach. Lacus Forum 36 : 317–329. 13 pp. URL
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Place, Publisher
The Linguistic Association of Canada and the United States


Modelling how metaphor translation in idioms occurs is possible. Taking as an example English and French proverbs, we demonstrate the interaction between their elements. Wilson (2009)’s model of translation serves here as our basis. His schema takes into account the message both in its content and form. The linguistic sign has a meaning but also a syntactic environment, a context of use, and a cultural background. The two latter are crucial tools needed by the translator but acquired only through experience in their own language(s). The model of translation presented in the article adds to but does not replace the skills translators are required for their job.