Publication details [#1241]
Ureña Gómez-Moreno, José Manuel, Pamela Faber and Miriam Buendía Castro. 2013. Frame blending in specialized language: Harmful algal bloom. Terminology 19 (2) : 175–201. 27 pp. 
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Place, Publisher
Amsterdam: John Benjamins
In carefully analysing the use of the phrase harmful algal bloom in specialized discourse (i.e. marine biology) from the point of view of frames and semantic roles, this paper introduces a model of specialized concept representation based on conceptual frames and blends. The analysis shows that frame-blending, although not previously studied in specialized language, has great potential to represent the dynamic processes that take place in specialized fields of knowledge. It is argued that conceptual blending is a valuable complement to frames, particularly when it comes to describing and explaining existing scientific knowledge.