
Publication details [#12427]

Rosca, Andreea. 2013. FrameNet and its Limitations: The Case of Entity-Specific Change-of-State Verbs. Miscelánea: A Journal of English and American Studies 47 : 13–30. 18 pp. URL
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Place, Publisher
University of Zaragoza


The aim of the paper is to explore the proposals as delineated in the FrameNet Project (Atkins, Fillmore and Johnson 2003; Fillmore, Johnson and Petruck 2003), allowing for Levin’s (1993) entity-specific change-of-state verbs.The author points to several drawbacks found in the examined database: (i) a limited number of entity-specific change-of¬state verbs were listed in FrameNet (eight out of twenty-one verbs); (ii) the database stresses the separation of the causative and inchoative uses of a verb into two different frames; (iii) some cases lack examples provided for the Frame Elements of a particular verb (e.g. there are no examples for the verb swell in the ‘expansion’ and ‘change of position on a scale’ frames); (iv) FrameNet usually includes literal instantiations of the predicates under consideration, but lacks cognitive motivation for the metaphorical expressions whenever figurative uses are listed; (v) frames often prove incomplete owing to the use of a small size corpus (i.e. the British National Corpus),which results in a limited number of examples for a given verb. Moreover, the article proves that metaphor and metonymy play an important role in regulating the subsumption processes between predicates and constructions.