
Publication details [#12513]

Lin, E. 2015. Pragmatic functions of neologisms in modern mass media. Tambov State University Journal. The Humanities 20 (11 (151)) : 193–197. 5 pp. URL
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Place, Publisher
Tambov State University


In this paper, the pragmatic functions of neologisms in modern mass media are analyzed and reviewed, the definite link between pragmatic and active processes of nomination are comprehended, and the functioning of Russian neologisms in publicist texts combining with stylistic and pragmatic aspects is described. It is proved that the authors of publicity use neologisms as a communicative strategy to reach their communicative aims. Neologisms may act as nominative, but more often they can express the author's subjective estimation. The appearance of new word is closely connected with social need of in one or another lexical unit. However, the use of neologisms may lead to representation of new understanding of the object of cognition and bad consequences, which is shown in system disbalance between form, meaning and function. The author of every text should understand clearly what he/she want to tell to addressee, using in speech one or another neologism. The basic reasons of new words’ appearance are marked: new objects, nominations, tendencies to economy of language means, language fashion and play on words, special expressive-emotional expression. During review of pragmatic functions of Russian neologisms first of all, attention is paid to fixation of new lexeme in language as a word unit, secondly, not important lexical unit of language and their disappearance.