Publication details [#12561]
Meneguelli, Gisella. 2015. Elección 2014 en la red social: cultura remix y los imaginarios ideológicos de las tapas de la revista Veja. Fórum Lingüístico 12 (2) : 689–698. 10 pp. 
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Place, Publisher
Florianópolis, SC, BR: Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
This article provides an analysis of the meaning production on the remixed covers of Veja magazine which appeared on Facebook during the second round of the 2014 presidential election. Its powerful plurality (given that both verbal and visual languages are integrated) and spreading in digital media are taken into consideration. The sociodiscursive imaginary concept (CHARAUDEAU, 2006; 2013) and the concept of irony (CHARAUDEAU; MAINGUENEAU, 2012; DUCROT, 2001) are used in the theoretical analysis. It is shown that images and words were selected for both the covers of Veja and the remixed covers with the purpose of exerting an ideological influence on the opinion of the reader during the electoral process, which might produce a change in their vote.