Publication details [#12581]
Guthrie, George H. 2015. Paul’s triumphal procession imagery (2 Cor 2.14–16a): neglected points of background. New Testament Studies 61 (1) : 79–91. 13 pp.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Place, Publisher
Cambridge University Press
This paper aims to provide a new consideration and judgement of Paul’s pompa triumphalis imagery at 2 Cor. 2.14–16a. To do so, we investigate several forgotten features of its lexical and cultural background. Firstly, a study of θριαμβεύω in the Greco-Roman literature is carried out, focusing on how this word occurs with direct objects. Secondly, the form, meaning, and behaviour of the words ὀσμή and εὐωδία in literatures of the period are analysed. Thirdly, the language of ‘salvation’ is explored, paying close attention to the triumphal procession parades which have not succeeded in gaining researchers’ attention yet.