Publication details [#12739]
De Vincenzi, Marica and Rosalia Di Matteo. 2004. Come il cervello comprende il linguaggio. Editori Laterza.
Publication type
Book – monograph
Publication language
The methodology of event-related potentials has proved to be an excellent tool to highlight the mechanisms for the analysis of language and clarify their relationship with the brain. This book aims at showing how, in an educationally effective text, the applications of this methodology is fundamental for the study of the syntactic and semantic violations and for a critical evaluation of the hypothesis on the modularity of mental architecture. Language includes all the possibilities in nature in order to create, establish and convey the range of knowledge and relations accumulated in life. It is a way of exchanging emotions, knowledge and information: talk is not just talk, it also builds the psychological environment, social and cultural environment in which we live. It can be analyzed according to three levels which correspond to syntax, semantics and pragmatics and according to the theory of the speech acts.