
Publication details [#12866]

Chiampi, Alessandra C. 2016. The Irony of Emendation: A Reading of Primo Levi's "L' ultimo Natale di guerra". MLN 131 (1) : 196–213. 18 pp.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Place, Publisher
The Johns Hopkins University Press


The writer of this article deals with irony. In particular, the writer studies some stories written by Primo Levi and focuses on the fact that there are some parts where irony is present in all of the stories. Ironic statements are abundant in the stories and all supplement each other in order to help the writer express memories from past events (e.g. 1944 Christmas period). It is even claimed that the irony operating in various instances of the stories is a way of delineating the manner in which the text testifies to itself. Some of the ironies identified in the stories are ironies of supplementarity, ironies of contagion and interpenetration, deadly ironies, incidental ironies, ironies of social/professional status, to name a few.