Publication details [#12915]
Dolfi, Laura. 2017. Algo más sobre el lenguaje metafórico en Los cigarreles de Toledo. Hipogrifo: Revista de Literatura y Cultura del Siglo de Oro 5 (1) : 155–168. 14 pp.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Place, Publisher
Instituto de Estudios Auriseculares (IDEA)
The variety of metaphorical language and semantic fields in Cigarrales de Toeldo will be analyzed in this paper. This metaphorical language appears in a wide range of contexts and is usually related to the same characters. Intentional descriptions and numbering makes the text richer. Besides, rhetorical devices such as metaphors, bisemy and paronomasia are used. Also, always expressing the quantity of everything is an important aspect, which draws attention to what is real and counterbalances images.