Publication details [#12930]
Gutiérrez Díaz-Bernardo, Esteban. 2017. La metáfora frutal y otras imágenes del amor en la narrativa de Jacinto Octavio Picón. Dicenda. Cuadernos de Filología Hispánica 35 : 153–166. 14 pp.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Place, Publisher
Madrid: Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Jacinto Octavtio Picón often uses the topic of love and everything that comes with it in his writing. In his masterpiece, Dulce y Sabrosa (Sweet and Tasty), the theme of love is especially present, though it also appears in other novels and short stories of his. Though he advocated for explicitness regarding eroticism, his writing actually makes use of vivid imagery. The fruit metaphor in the title is one example and there are many other examples of flower, food, war and book metaphors that will be discussed in this paper.