Publication details [#12931]
Meza Alegría, Gabriel. 2017. Metáfora vegetal y mística de la materia en el poemario guitarra negra: una aproximación a la poesía de Luis Alberto Spinetta. Revista Chilena de Literatura 96 : 259–280. 22 pp.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Place, Publisher
Universidad de Chile
Guitarra negra by Luis Alberto Spinetta is a collection of poetry in which the autor reminisces on his experience in the field of poetry and his role in Argentinian literature. In this article, some basic concepts of Spinetta’s poetry will be analyzed, in particular plant metaphors and mystic matter metaphors. Studying these concepts leads to the idea that revealing what is sacred is fundamental to Spinetta’s work. Wolfgang Janke’s concept of Post-ontology relates to Spinetta’s poetry, insofar as the way he dealt with ontolgy and postmodernism.