
Publication details [#12942]

Trouchon Osorio, Alba Lucía and Inés Gabriela Guerrero Uchima. 2017. Traducción de la ironía en relación con el incumplimiento de máximas conversacionales en un texto literario. Forma y función 30 (1) : 95–116. 22 pp.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Place, Publisher
Universidad Nacional de Colombia


The theoretical framework of this article resides primarily with Nord’s funcionalist approach (1997), Hatim’s discourse analysis (1997), Barbe’s idea of irony (1995), and Brown and Levinson’s off-record strategies (1987). Using a corpus, we compiled, set limits and analyzed data by means of an empirical-descriptive qualititave methodology and a semantic, pragmatic perspective. The results show that translating irony was better conveyed in the target text in the cases where there was a breach of conversational rules. We conclude that this breach is a legitimate resource to transmit irony when translating literary texts.