
Publication details [#12978]

Silaški, Nadežda and Tatjana Đurović. 2017. Saving the euro – a multimodal analysis of metaphors depicting the Eurozone crisis. Ibérica 33 : 125–146. 22 pp. URL
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language


Although much of the study of the financial crisis has fundamentally focused on verbal metaphors, visual and multimodal features of it have basically lingered marginalised. In this project we center on both linguistic and pictorial realisations of the euro currency related to the issue of the Eurozone crisis, within the theoretical framework of Critical Metaphor Analysis which pertains to both the verbal (Charteris-Black & Musolff, 2003; Charteris-Black, 2004) as well as the pictorial and multimodal discourse (Forceville, 1996 & 2008; Forceville & Urios-Aparisi, 2009). Under the lines of Bounegru and Forceville’s (2011) methodology, we study seven covers of the weekly magazine The Economist published from 2010 to 2012 which dealt with the Eurozone crisis and belonged to the LIQUID and MOVEMENT domains. The aim of this project is to find a solution to these questions: (1) how verbal and visual modes of metaphorical representation allow the formation of a determined conceptualization of the euro currency, and (2) what the evaluating factors taken from the elected multimodal representations are. In this paper we try to answer how the media use conceptualizations of the euro in order to characterize the influence of the Eurozone financial crisis due to the use of evocatory images followed by text messages and symbols.