
Publication details [#13050]

Botello, Jesús. 2017. Religión, parodia e historicidad: Una nueva interpretación de ‘A la entrada del Duque de Medina en Cádiz’ de Miguel de Cervantes. Bulletin of Hispanic studies 94 (1) : 35–49. 15 pp.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Place, Publisher
Liverpool University Press


This paper first aims at structuring the sonnet 'A la entrada del Duque de Medina en Cádiz' according to the image of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. The author maintains that the catastrophe of the riots in Cadiz and Seville is compared with Easter Week by Cervantes, showing a similarity between Medina Sidonia and Jesus Christ. Then, Botello carries out an analysis of the exaggerated drama observed in the poem, which helps to highlight the parodic effect of how poorly Medina Sidonia performed during the sack of Cádiz. Finally, this work suggests how to interpret Medina Sidonia’s description in the poem in a new way.