
Publication details [#13066]

Wurth, Kiene Brillenburg, Sara Rosa Espi and Inge van de Ven. 2013. Visual text and media divergence: Analogue literary writing in a digital age. European Journal of English Studies 17 (1) : 92–108. 17 pp.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Place, Publisher
Taylor & Francis


With the digital turn in the literary scene, literature has become ‘bookish’ in the sense that it neither a physical book neither something else. In this paper I explore current processes of reconceptualization and reinvention that the book has undergone. I do so by analyzing books from three different genres, namely Danielewski's novel Only Revolutions (2006a), Paillé's artbook Livres-livres (1993–2004), and ET Russian's personal zine Ring of Fire #3 (1999). The digital does not erase the analogue but produces it anew. How is this writing interpreted in the digital context? What are the meanings old and new types of writing enmesh on the book? This new analogic writing is conceived as body–oriented type of production in the sense that it is produced through and for the body itself. The result is a marked contrast between ‘analogue’ and ‘digital’ writing.