
Publication details [#13158]

Serafis, Dimitris, Dimitris Kitis and Argiris Archakis. 2017. Anti-language and the construction of collective identity: Graffiti slogans during the protests of December 2008 in Greece [Αντιγλώσσα και κατασκευή συλλογικής ταυτότητας: Συνθήματα γκράφιτι της εξεγερσιακής συλλογικής δράσης του ∆εκέμβρη του 2008]. Glossologia 25 : 1–17. 17 pp. URL
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Place, Publisher
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens


This paper investigates how graffiti slogans contribute to the construction of collective identity. The authors studied the graffiti slogans which were constructed as a means of social protest in December 2008 in Greece. The theoretical framework adopted is Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA). It is suggested that anti-language along with graffiti slogans carry anti-capitalist, unconventional and anti-government messages.