
Publication details [#13263]

Georgalidou, Marianthi and Sophia Lampropoulou. 2016. Grammatical Gender and Language Sexism in the Greek Public Administration Document (Γραμματικό γένος και γλωσσικός σεξισμός στα έγγραφα της ελληνικής δημόσιας διοίκησης). Glossologia 24 : 23–44. 22 pp.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Place, Publisher
The Linguistic Society of Athens


This article deals with the constant employment of the masculine grammatical gender in Greek official documents. The masculine grammatical gender is widely used in these documents regardless of the fact that the readership and the people addressed are both women and men. It is supported that this is an expression of sexism portraying social male dominance.