
Publication details [#1374]

Widmer, Alexandra. 2013. Of Temporal Politics and Demographic Anxieties: "Young Mothers" in Demographic Predictions and Social Life in Vanuatu. Anthropologica 55 (2) : 317–328. 12 pp.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Place, Publisher


In this article, I examine demographic predictions and preliminary youth and population policy in concert with young women's experiences during and immediately after pregnancy in Vanuatu, a Pacific island nation with rapid population growth. I propose that time, in representations of the future and the past as they relate to social and biological reproduction, is a valuable lens for analyzing the interplay between demographic knowledge in development discourse and daily lives of young women. In this way, I add the notion of temporal politics to the social and historical analysis of demography that emphasizes biopolitics and geopolitics. (Abstract provided by the auhtor).