
Publication details [#13759]

Sørensen, Bent and Torkild Thellefsen. 2011. Ontological realms and symbolic mediation of the hypoiconic metaphor. Semeiosis: semiótica e transdisciplinaridade em revista.  : 1–10. 10 pp. URL
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language


This article describes the Peircean approach on metaphor as special kind of similarity, namely parallelism. The authors tend to describe metaphors as symbolically mediated icons. In connection to this, the metaphorical parallelism is motivated. "According to Peirce, metaphor is not merely a rhetorical device or a decorative ornamentation [...] On the contrary, metaphor permeates all forms of discourse and expression and takes on a privileged position in the ongoing development of signifying processes, being structural to the very process itself as a symbolically mediated icon."