
Publication details [#13869]

Gustavo Capobianco Volaco , Gustavo Capobianco Volaco . 2016. As metonímias de Ulisses Joyce, Saussure, Jakobson e Lacan. Caletroscópio 4 (7) : 90–101. 12 pp. URL
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Brazilian Portuguese
Place, Publisher
Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, Ouro Preto, MG


The contributions of Saussure on acoustic image and sense, being a set of signs called linguistic sign brought renewal of concepts and applications. Following his ideas, Roman Jakobson formulated the concept of metonymy, which was recovered by Jacques Lacan, emphasizing that the symbolic is, a priori, an eternal continuum. From these perspectives and based on these thinkers, the objective of this article is to discuss some behavioral characteristics (idiosyncrasies) in James Joyce’s Ulysses, being a riverrun the main one.