
Publication details [#1390]

Sanz Gallego, Guillermo. 2013. Translating Taboo Language in Joyce’s Ulysses: A Special Edition in Spanish for Franco and Perón. ATLANTIS. Journal of the Spanish Association of Anglo-American Studies 35 (2) : 137–154. 18 pp.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Place, Publisher
AEDEAN. The Spanish Association of Anglo-American Studies


In the years following its publication in 1922, James Joyce’s Ulysses inspired great controversy. It was banned in much of the English-speaking world because of a number of passages considered pornographic. Paradoxically, Ulysses was never banned in Spain during the Franco regime, nor was it in Argentina during the regimes of Ramírez and Perón. Th is contrast is puzzling, given the strong censorship policies in both countries during the fi rst part of the twentieth century. Th e reason Joyce’s work was not banned in the Spanish-speaking world may be found in several crucial diff erences between the original text in English and its fi rst Spanish translation. A comparison of the passages in English marked as objectionable by the US censor and Salas Subirat’s fi rst translation of them into Spanish shows a series of shift s that produce a lack of equivalence and accessibility, as well as fragments of text omitted by the translator. (Abstract provided by the auhtor)