Publication details [#13933]
José Luiz Foureaux de Souza Junior , José Luiz Foureaux de Souza Junior . 2016. Metonímias do desejo. Revista Todas as Musas 8 (1) : 96–140. 45 pp. URL
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Brazilian Portuguese
Place, Publisher
Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP
Based on novel excerpts, a letter and on poetic fragments written by Guimarães Rosa, Antônio Nobre and Álvaro de Campos, respectively, considering the absence of the body, this article intends to carry on a comparative study. The body aspect is approached in different forms in the analyzed texts of the three selected genres, expressing the same desire by means of metonymies. The results suggest that the comparative perspective along with the psychoanalytic fundamentals can be not only interesting but also quite effective.