
Publication details [#13943]

Everton Farias Teixeira , Everton Farias Teixeira . 2015. Quando o poder seco é que vale: literatura e história em Hobsbawm e em Guimarães Rosa. Fólio : Revista de Letras 7 (2) : 625–646. 22 pp. URL
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Brazilian Portuguese
Place, Publisher
Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia, Vitória da Conquista, BA.


Aiming to prove that the Brazilian author João Guimarães Rosa was influenced by Western history in his writings, this text is based on a comparative study of the ideas of the historicized Eric Hobsbawm with the book Grande sertão: veredas, 1956. One observes slyly that in the sertao of Rosa there is an inclusion of characteristics of 20th century literature and history, feminine emancipation along with rejection of the liberal standard that generated concentrations of criminals of cruel actions, and this space produced by the author is like metonymy for all the others, and not as an appreciation of this isolated environment. He is related to the studies of Hobsbawm as the similarity of the productions studied and presented by the famous historian.