Publication details [#13958]
Luciana Abreu Jardim, Luciana Abreu Jardim. 2016. Antonin Artaud e Mário Cesariny: desconstruções da metáfora solar. Navegações 9 (2) : 144–150. 7 pp. URL
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Brazilian Portuguese
Place, Publisher
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUC-RS), Porto Alegre, RS. Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa
This article focuses on the strong relevance of Antonin Artaud's surrealistic poems, writings and life to Mário Casariny, the Portuguese poet who wrote poems which are in his Manual de Prestidigitação. Based on the understanding of this influence, the article aims at the deconstruction of the solar metaphor, emphasizing the paradigm that metaphors are characterized by a dark side which goes beyond the poets' intentions. Jacques Derrida's ideas about metaphors in "White Mythology" serve as the theoretical basis for this study.