
Publication details [#13960]

Gilda Waldman Mitnick, Gilda Waldman Mitnick. 2016. Reflexiones(y uma breve travesialiteraria) por los desiertos de la frontera norte de Chile y Mexico . Caderno de Letras 27 : 49–71. 23 pp.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Place, Publisher
Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Pelotas, RS.


This article discusses the desert as a metaphor of our present time, considering not only the aspect of desolation but also those concerning transit, crossing, travel and migration. It also provides a view of the current narrative about the desert in countries where it comprises a vast part of the national territory, in the northern area and in the borders with Peru and Bolivia (Chile) and with States United (Mexico). Based on that, the text also highlights the on the similarities between the desert and the border and describes some views ideasabout the countrie mentioned.