
Publication details [#13969]

Charles Bicalho, Charles Bicalho. 2016. Olhando a montanha: parâmetros e processos da ecologia educacional indígena. Em Tese 22 (2) : 148–156. 9 pp.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Brazilian Portuguese
Place, Publisher
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, MG.


This article presents the translation of the preface of Look To The Mountain – An Ecology Of Indigenous Education, a book written by Gregory Cajete, an indian educator, from Santa Clara, a small village in the state of New Mexico, in the United States. In this preface, Cajete describes the parameters and processes involved in the proposal, pointing out how relevant an inclusive approach to nature is in terms of an “ecology of indigenous education", proposing a contemporary educational project aimed at fulfilling the needs and expectations of indigenous peoples culturally based on the realm of American Indian tribes. Seen as a translation of education principles directed to a contemporary understanding by its author, this educational proposal concerning inter- cultural communication is considered as an alternative metaphor in terms of the practices which prevail in America. In traditional terms, life is understood by indians by means of a different cultural metaphor which encompasses the use of the indigenous educational philosophy presented.