
Publication details [#13978]

Gustavo Luiz de Abreu Pinheiro, Gustavo Luiz de Abreu Pinheiro. 2015. Metáfora, homeostase criativa e construção de sentido na publicidade para mídia impressa* . Revista Antares 7 (14) : 129–155. 27 pp. URL
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Brazilian Portuguese
Place, Publisher
Universidade de Caxias do Sul, Caxias do Sul, RS.


The focus of this article is to analyze advertising items from the perspective of the multimodal metaphor, describing how it can contribute to the ludic rhetorical effect in the construction of meaning. In order to accomplish that, both the Relevance theory (SPERBER; WILSON, 2011) and the Theory of Conceptual Integration (FAUCONNIER, 2002) provide our theoretical support. As the corpus of this research, we have an advertisement item awarded by the Creation Club of São Paulo. Our results describe the occurrence of creative homeostasis, which is understood as a set of strategies present in an ad, which associates verbal and visual signs, inference production, cultural aspects (cf ECO, 2004) and playful effects in the understanding of a communication, as well as point out the relevance of the use of multimodal metaphors in order to meet this goal, due to their contribution to the improvement of rhetorical effects.