
Publication details [#14001]

Dimopoulou, V. 2019. Στοιχεία σύνδεσης εικονικότητας και εννοιακής μεταφοράς στη λογοτεχνική γλώσσα: γνωστική ανάλυση δειγμάτων του νεοελληνικού ποιητικού λόγου. 20 pp. URL
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Place, Publisher
Thessaloniki: Manolis Triantaphyllides Foundation [Ίδρυμα Μανόλη Τριανταφυλλίδη]


This paper aims to investigate the cognitive mechanisms involved in creative linguistic patterns in Modern Greek poetic discourse. Two Modern Greek poems are analyzed based on principles from the theory of iconicity: The conceptual metaphor theory, the conceptual integration theory, and the idealized cognitive models' theory. The author concludes that two main mechanisms are linked and participate in shaping poetic meaning: a) the iconic transformation of bodily experiences into linguistic expression and b) metaphorical mappings between conceptual domains.