
Publication details [#1402]

Filomena, Monica and Mariana Beraldi. 2013. METÁFORAS DA “TERRA DA GENTE” E A APRENDIZAGEM MIDIÁTICA DE CONCEITOS CIENTÍFICOS. Ciências e Cognição 18 (1).
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Place, Publisher
Organização Ciências e Cognição


The main challenge of science communication is to bring scientific knowledge to citizens in a more clear and understandable and for this purpose is common to use metaphors. This feature allows to conceptualize too technical or abstract phenomena through associations with aspects of everyday use, whiich are more accesible and familiar. This study examined selected metaphors magazine "Terra da Gente" by classifying them as Curtis and Reigeluth. The objective is a discussion of theirr employment and the raising of several possible interpretations analyzing how it valid andd how mucch distort the information it want to build with the reader. We verified that the metaphors were very constant in the journal and the authors of the reports have succeeded in applying it, although some may generate unintended interpretations by its maker. It is understood that studies on metaphors are very important to ensure its implementation as a resource and to prevent misinterpretations and erroneous training concepts. Although there are risks in the use of metaphor we believe that its use is extremely important both in science magazines as well as other resources, like textbooks.