
Publication details [#14049]

Gavriilidou, Zoi and Villy Tsakona. 2004. Οι χιουμοριστικοί μηχανισμοί στα κόμικς: ανάλυση της σειράς ιστοριών του Αστερίξ. Glossologia 16 : 145–165. 21 pp.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Place, Publisher
Department of Linguistics, University of Athens


The study concerns the humor mechanisms that are used in comics and the Greek translated version of Asterix in particular. Two levels of humor appear to be present, in which metaphor seems to play an important role. The heroes' characteristics (including the personification of animals), humor episodes, humor gags, anachronisms, intertextual references, and the combination of the real and the unreal are the humor mechanisms that are employed. Especially the last mechanism, the synthesis of real and imaginary situations together, causes incompatibility, which in turn gives rise to humor. Thus, the second level of humor takes place, activated using certain cognitive schemata. Finally, the authors deal with the metaphoricity arisen due to the interplay between verbal and visual humor.