Publication details [#14165]
Tubin, Dorin. 2005. Fantasy, Vision, and Metaphor - Three Tracks to Teachers Minds. The Qualitative Report 10 (3) : 543–550. 8 pp. URL
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Place, Publisher
This paper explores how the three concepts of vision, metaphor, and fantasy can be useful to better understand teachers’ minds on educational issues. The study proposes an in-depth review of state-of-the-art literature and coherently summarizes the main findings. It is generally found that using sensitizing forms of vision, metaphor, and fantasy in teachers’ training can enhance their ability to analyze the institutional environment, assist educational leaders to use metaphors for promoting a vision, help teachers to recognize a fantasy when they meet it, and avoid the frustration accompanying efforts for its fulfillment. Empirical findings reviewed in the study also demonstrate the importance of question formulation, researcher’s position, and scope of the study.