
Publication details [#14269]

Serra Adsuara, Sergi. 2018. La Plasmació de la Ironia en L’assaig Periodístic de Joan F. Mira . Cultura, Lenguaje y Representación 20 : 51–62. 12 pp.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Place, Publisher
Universitat Jaume I


This paper, aiming to show the versatility of irony and the impossible simplification to a single specific figure of speech, analyses different journalistic essays by J. F. Mira in order to explore the use of irony and how it persuades readers. Several different resources have been identified as an indication of irony (i.e. tone variations throughout the whole piece of writing or the use of specific language sometimes restricted to a small part of the whole text). Hence, the strategy of this particular writer lies in the combination and contrast of different discursive components using ambiguity in his argumentation.